The Application interface

Within each application, application information, history, and settings are grouped into tabs for ease of visibility and control:


Viewing and Editing rights

The tabs can be accessed based on your user role and responsibilities for that application:

If you are the Admins, Application Owner or Team managers of the application, you have editing rights within the whole interface.

If you are a Finance user, apart from the viewing rights to the interface, you also have editing rights in the Xero/QuickBooks settings and Accounting tab. You do not have access to the card details unless you are also the owner or Team manager of the application.

If you are a User with no additional responsibility for the application, you will only see the application details in Overview.

A closer look at the tabs


This is where you and your team can find the summary of the application. It is divided into two sections:

Universal access by the entire workspace

  • Subscription details

Limited access by users based on roles and responsibilities as defined above

  • Payment details
  • Budget details
  • Historical spend
Subscription details Payment details Budget details Historical spend

Under Subscription details, authorised users can take the following actions:

Essential tabs

These tabs are included in all plans to power the basic SaaS management functionalities.

Payments Contracts & Notes Change history Accounting

Payments gathers all the transactions that take place through the cards created under the application. Here, money movements that have a financial impact are recorded:

  • Topping up and Flushing (for fixed budget)
  • Pending and settled payments
  • Refunds

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For each transaction, you will find:

  • Transaction amount - money in for refunds or money out for payments
  • Balance - the application balance for fixed budget or the available account balance for soft budget
  • Payment type - either through card or transfer
  • Invoice - view or upload an invoice to the transaction

Supplementary tabs

These tabs are only available if the selected features are included in your plan and activated, giving you the extra boost to stay on top of your subscriptions.

Compliance Benchmark & Negotiation Xero/ QuickBooks settings

Compliance is available in our Compliance module.

In Compliance, you can view or fill in the compliance questionnaire for the application. Here is also where you can delegate the questionnaire to other users or third-parties.

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