Bulk Import new applications

If you have multiple subscriptions that you want to add to Cledara, Admins can create all the applications in one go by importing a CSV or XLSX with the subscription details.

Here's a quick glimpse of what it looks like if you have less than a minute:


Step-by-step walkthrough

  1. As an Admin, select the currency you want the applications to be created in. If you are in the GBP account, all the applications you import will have their budget in GBP. Conversely, if you are in the EUR account, all the applications will have their budget in EUR.


  2. Go to the Applications tab and then click the Import button:


  3. Once landed on the Import applications page, download one of the template files to fill in the information about the subscriptions. 


    In the template, you will first find the instructions on how to fill in the fields, followed by the space where you fill in the details of your subscriptions:


  4. Once the information is filled and the file is saved, upload it using the Select file button, and click Import data.


  5. Cledara will pick up any Application Owners who are not yet a Cledara user and confirm with you before sending them an invite. If you prefer inviting them later, you can uncheck the box, but you will have to assign the application to another active user.


  6. Cledara will then pick up any teams that have not been created yet. Again, we will confirm with you before creating the team. If you do not want to create the team, you can uncheck the box, but you will have to assign the application to another team.


  7. After that, you will have the chance to review the applications and their respective details.


  8. You cannot proceed if necessary details are missing for us to create your application.

    If there is no response when you click Submit, go through the pages and look out for any rows that are highlighted in yellow.

  9. If your workspace already has an application with the same name, we will alert you.

    Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 17.21.15.png

  10. When everything checks out, your imported applications will be automatically created, and so will their cards if you pick either Fixed or Soft for Budget Type.

  11. Finally, take the card details and update your payment method with each merchant.

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