Access Owner

For each application in Cledara, you can assign an Access Owner as well as an Application Owner.

What is the difference?

The Application Owner is responsible for the application in Cledara.

They can edit the application details, access the card details to make payments and have visibility on historical transactions. They are also in charge of uploading invoices, and will receive reminders from Cledara if there are transactions without invoices.

The Access Owner is the user who has access to the SaaS tool itself, outside of Cledara.

If a team member would like to get access to the application (i.e. they would like a new seat to be added for them, or they would like login credentials assigned to them) then they will send a 'Request Access' request to the access owner.

The Application Owner and the Access Owner are the same user by default. You can assign a separate user to be the Access Owner in Edit application details:


Case studies

Example 1:

A team member would like a seat to be created for them in Pipedrive. They will log in to Cledara and go to Applications > Pipedrive > Overview, and submit a request to the Access Owner.

The Access Owner will receive an email with this request. After receiving the request email, all the work of granting access/seats/login details to the app is done by the Access Owner via the external application (Pipedrive).


Example 2:

A team member would like to make a payment to Pipedrive via Cledara. They will ask the Application Owner to create a supplementary card for them. This is requested externally to Cledara (via email, for example). 

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