Whenever you need to get an overview of all the transactions that you are making in and out of Cledara, you can use the Transactions tab.
Here’s an example of how it looks like:
Each line corresponds to a transaction that has taken place with your Cledara account, just like a payment made to a provider or a refund issued to you.
Next to the Description, you will see whether the money went out of or came into your account and the total account balance after that money movement.
In the last two columns, you can first check if an invoice has been uploaded for that transaction and then if this transaction has been pushed to your connected accounting account and its status. You can always hover over the icons to know exactly what each means.
Filter results
Click Filter results next to the search bar to open a section of filter options:
With the help of the filters, you can look up transactions by typing into the search bar Cledara IDs, dates, descriptions, and payment amounts.
Filters are applied to the CSV exports, so when you don't want to export all the transactions into your report, you can always filter the transactions until only the ones you want are displayed and then use the buttons to get the information on those.
Click here to learn more about exporting your financial information.