View Spend card details

This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you view your card quickly and easily in Cledara.

You can jump ahead to our FAQ section if you have specific questions in mind:

  Where can I find the billing name and address to make an online payment?
  What happens if I enter the wrong password when viewing my card details?

To know how to look up your cards in the Cledara mobile app, visit this article.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Cardholders can view the card details for their physical and virtual cards created in Cledara Spend by going to My Cards, and select the relevant card:

  2. Under the card's Overview tab, you will see the option to View card details, after entering your account credentials:


Only the cardholder has the ability to view their card details. 


Where can I find the billing name and address to make an online payment?

The billing name should be the cardholder name, and the address will always be your company’s trading address.

All this information is visible on the left in the card Overview tab, under Card Details:


What happens if I enter the wrong password when viewing my card details?

After 5 consistently failed attempts, you will be temporarily blocked from accessing the card details for 5 minutes.

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