Like all bank cards, your Cledara cards have several security limits in place to protect your business against financial loss in case of fraudulent transactions, these are dependent on whether your Cledara cards are powered by Visa or Mastercard.
For Cledara debit cards powered by Visa:
Your Cledara cards are capable of processing up to GBP/EUR 500,000 in one single transaction.
There is no limit to how many times a card is used for transactions each day, but there is a daily total spending cap of GBP/EUR 500,000.
Additionally, there are accumulated monthly and lifetime transaction limits. Please reach out to Cledara Support for more information.
For Cledara debit cards powered by Mastercard:
Your Cledara cards are capable of processing up to GBP/EUR 100,000 in one single transaction.
Each day, you can make up to 10 payments with the same card. The total payment amount every day cannot exceed GBP/EUR 100,000 with each card.
Additionally, there are accumulated weekly and monthly transaction limits. Please reach out to Cledara Support for more information.