Use Engage to see SaaS usage

Cledara Engage turns timestamps and names of software and users into valuable insights that will help you evaluate the software that you currently subscribe to.

To do so, we organise the surveyed data into 2 tabs to offer analysis from different angles: 

Providers Users


In this tab, you get an overview of SaaS usage for every provider that you have added to the Cledara application stack.

You will be able to see whether the software tools are actively accessed by your team:

  • Status

    • If the status icon is greenScreenshot_2022-04-07_at_16.06.29.png, that means the tool has been accessed in the last 30 days.
    • If the status icon is redScreenshot_2022-04-07_at_16.06.07.png, that means the last time the tool was accessed was more than 30 days ago.
    • If the status icon is greyScreenshot_2022-04-07_at_16.06.19.png, that means we have not received any data from the sites. This could happen if users access a downloaded software instead of using it via their browser.
  • % Active users

    It is the percentage of the number of active users (activity logged in the past 30 days) against the total number of users whose activity has ever been recorded historically.

  • Annual budget

    It is the total budget of all the applications that belong to the same provider, over the duration of a year.

  • Filter results

    You can filter the list by the provider active status, category, and owner of the applications.

    You can also generate a CSV export of all timestamps collected historically for your provider stack.

Within each application

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When you click into an app, you will be able to see more information about the vendor, as well as statistics such as:

  • Spend this month: the amount spent on the vendor through Cledara in the current month
  • % Active users: the percentage of the number of active users (activity logged in the past 30 days) against the total number of users whose activity has ever been recorded historically.
  • Number of seats: the number of seats manually entered in Edit application details.
  • Number of active users: the number of users whose activity was logged in the past 30 days

Furthermore, you will have a list of users who have accessed the app, and how much they have visited the site in the past 30 days.

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