As an Admin, you have the ability to configure when invoice email reminders are sent to Application Owners, ensuring they receive timely reminders about invoices they need to upload to the platform.
By default, Cledara sends an email to Applications Owners 7 days after a transaction is settled, reminding them to upload an invoice for the transaction to Cledara, if they have not done so already.
In Settings > Preferences > Missing invoice reminders, you can modify when the reminder is sent out:
Additionally, you can control whether users can disable these reminders based on your internal workflows.
When the box is checked, you grant autonomy to everyone in the workspace to decide whether they want to be reminded about missing invoices.
When the box is unchecked, your workspace users will not be able to turn off invoice reminders:
Lastly, if you don't want us to send out email reminders for missing invoices at all, you can toggle the feature off:
This will turn off invoice reminders for your entire workspace.