Manage your workflows

The Onboarding tab is the hub to direct the right people to the right SaaS tools. 

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What your team can see in the tab depends on the role they have in the workspace:

  • Users will get an overview of the requests they initiated, and a list of requests they received as an Access Owner or Application Owner.
  • Team Managers have visibility on the requests concerning their team.
  • Admins and Finance users have full visibility on all requests within the workspace. They also have permission to change the Settings for the Onboarding feature.

Workflows are categorised into:

  • Onboarding workflows to grant new hires access to your team's tools 
  • Offboarding workflows to revoke departing employees' access to your team's tools
  • Access requests to help your team get access to the tools they need

A deadline can be set for both Onboarding and Offboarding flows, and the Urgency column will count down the number of days that the tasks have until implementation, or highlight the number of days the tasks have gone overdue.

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You will also see the number of pending requests for each task.

Each workflow will be marked as Complete when all of the Access requests or Access removal requests within have expired or been resolved.

The view is by default filtered to show only ongoing requests, but the filters can be easily adjusted to show completed workflows, and to show them by team and by application.

Keeping records and staying compliant

All of the requests initiated and actions taken for each user are recorded and available to export so you can have a clean audit of who has access to which tools.

onoff export.gif

CSV export

Each workflow has its own CSV file, so when a user joins your team, there will be a file downloadable from their Onboarding workflow; and when they leave, there will be a separate file downloadable from their Offboarding workflow. 

PDF export

PDF exports, on the other hand, include the full user history of all workflows, organised per application. 

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