Project your software spend with Budgeted Spend

Budgeted Spend is available in our Premium and Pro plans.

Managing your budget effectively is key to maintaining control over your expenses.

With detailed summaries, projections, and application-level breakdowns, your Admins and Finance users can understand your team's total budget and track year-to-date spending with ease.

This article details how to use Budgeted Spend under the Reports tab to visualise future projections and manage your finances effectively:

  Budget summary
  Budgeted spend
  Budget details

Budget summary

In the top section of the page, you see data on both sides.

On the left, you'll see the sum of your budget in the upcoming months:

Screenshot (1).png

Budget month shows the total budget of the current calendar month.

Additionally, you can view the total budget over a future period of your choice.

On the right, you'll see your actual spend so far, in relation to your budget of the year:

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The Total budget for the year is calculated from budget amounts and payment frequencies you defined for each application.

The Actual spend YTD shows the total amount you’ve spent through Cledara so far this year.

The Remaining budget is calculated as the difference between the Total budget of the year and the Actual spend YTD.

Budgeted spend

In the middle section of the page, you’ll find a graph that illustrates your Budgeted Spend as bars and your Projected Account Balance as a line:

Screenshot (3).png

To ensure uninterrupted payment ability, we recommend topping up your account before the projected balance reaches zero. If you’ve set up alerts for a low available balance, you’ll receive a notification in advance.

You can toggle the view to break down the projection by week or month. When hovering over a specific period, you’ll see:

  • Budgeted spend for that period
  • Projected end-of-period account balance

For the current week or month, depending on which you select, you'll also see:

  • Actual spend period-to-date
  • Remaining budget over the period

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Budget details

The final section of the page provides a detailed breakdown of your Actual and Budgeted Spend for each application:

Screenshot (4).png

You can toggle between the following views:

  • Budgeted spend
  • Actual spend
  • Budgeted vs Actual spend

Similar to the Budgeted spend graph, this section allows you to switch between weekly and monthly breakdowns of the spend data.

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